Tuesday 17 August 2021

Miss Percy's Pocket Guide -the book that makes you want to adopt a dragon

My favourite time period in novels is the Regency/Bronte era, with their customs and manners and ways of being...and then go and throw some dragons into the mix and I am HOOKED.

Miss Percy's Pocket Guide (to the care and feeding of British Dragons) holds all the nostalgia of my childhood favourites (The Secret Garden, Pride and Prejudice, Narnia) and all the thrills and hilarity of a genius piece of work. To start with, Mildred is an absolute delight of a character, reminding me of the sensible Mary Bennet but with the wit and sarcasm of Mary Lennox. I loved reading about a character who was a) as much of a fan of cake and sugary treats as I was and b) a really unique heroine who had me snorting with laughter many times.

Favourite lines:

 "Are you labouring under the belief you've just hatched out a demon on your drawing room floor?"

"Her body behaving in the most traitorous manner to a mind determined to huddle beneath the covers and not come out until such things as bread and chocolate and afternoons were on offer." (MAJOR MOOD)

When Mildred and Mr Wiggan come into possession of the dragon, its absolutely hysterical how Mr Wiggan has a breakdown and then proceeds to treat the dragon as his smol son. Known fondly as Fitz (Agents of Shield fans will be pleased) the dragon now has a doting father and grandmother (you cannot tell me Mrs Babbington doesn't make Fitz his favourite meal).

 Mildred herself is more wary at the start, and I think she just wants someone to tell her that yes, Fitz is actually just a cross between a chicken and a bat, rather than accept he is a dragon. However as soon as there is a hint of Fitz been found out, the love she has for him is so clear and she's a brilliant and protective dragon mum (Khaleesi, move over). That been said I do appreciate the scenes with Mildred where Fitz will make his presence known and she reaches for the cake to eat her feelings. We've all been there.

Of course, every fairytale needs a villain, and Mr Hawthorn is definitely an interesting character to say the least. He's a good story teller, I'll give him that, but so as not to spoil anything I'll just say I'm glad for Mildred's instincts (and my opinion of Belinda is so low, I past Hades on the way down.)
All in all I'm utterly delighted to have read this book, it is funny, creative and ingenious at times with an adorable romance weaved in, and a lot of originality. The pace is good and it's definitely one I'd want to re-read.

Thank you so much to Quenby for the advanced reading copy! This was given in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Favourite character: Fitz of course.
Emoji response: 😍👀😂🐉😲💘
Would I recommend?: I would be very offended if you didn't buy this book. 

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