Thursday 12 August 2021

Books I should be reading (but haven't because my TBR pile is ridiculous)

Every book lover has a TBR pile. Some of us, however, have ones that NEVER GO DOWN.

I still have books on my kindle from 2016, books on my pile that I said I'd read years ago but still haven't, even when the rest of the community have long since read the entire series.

My TBR piles have always been insanely ridiculous, so here's an accountability list on the books I SHOULD be reading:

1. One Dark Throne: This is the sequel of Three Dark Crowns and I absolutely adored that book! So you would think I'd hurry to read the sequel, right? Nope, it has been on my kindle for a long time, lost in the masses of my book buying addiction.

2. The Austen Books by Lucy Worsley: when I found out about Lucy Worsley I was so happy. I am a huge Austen and history fan and so wanted to get every book by Lucy, and that's what I did, I bought every book and then....didn't read a single one. Absolutely shocking.

3. How To Stop Time by Matt Haig: okay, so I STARTED this one, I just left it to one side and then didn't go back to it for a few years. I will definitely finish this one at some point (hopefully).

4. The Discworld Series: never read them. I know, they must be awesome given how many people tell me about them. I do, however, have commitment issues to a series that is over 30 books long.

5. The Cruel Prince: this one is so hyped that I'm a little scared to read it, and I do have it on my Kindle! I am a little wary of hugely hyped books in case I don't enjoy it, but I do need to pick this up one day and try it.

6. The Bell Jar: as a lover of classics I SHOULD have read TBJ by Sylvia Plath already. In my defence, Fanfiction is a true addiction which has taken most of my life up.

Feel free to do this tag and link me to your lists! I would love to see who else has had well known books on their TBR piles for years (please let it not just be me.)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Ugh me too. I have so many in my tbr I can’t even remember where I put them all!