Monday 9 August 2021

Gloria by Katherine Shaw ~full review

Thank you so much to Katherine for this Arc of Gloria in return for a review. 

One thing I didn't do when reading this book was read the blurb or any descriptions as I wanted to be surprised, but I found that if you do that (and please, try it, it's more fun that way) is the book gives you one impression and then eventually hits you with the truth on what it is really about.

My first impressions were that this could be set in the 1950s for how Gloria and Greg's relationship is. Gloria is a housewife and sees her painting as nothing more than a hobby. Greg is of course the "successful" husband who earns all the money. I knew something was wrong with him right at the start but expected him to just be cheating or something basic...but then when the twist comes it's so Black Mirror-esq that I had to check I was still on the same book!

Gloria's character does confuse me a little. I was trying to understand how someone who had travelled alone through Europe and lived so fully could be turned into a meek little doormat. Once I knew about her childhood it made more sense, however the references to her creative and adventurous life before gave me a snapshot to someone I wasn't seen in the person Gloria was in the whole of the book. I expected more of an Eat Pray Love type of character but understand that her years with Greg could have changed her completely. 

I couldn't get a true picture of Iris and Gloria's relationship, or the history with Elias as the story focused mostly on Greg and Gloria, however Greg was a very good villain and without spoiling it too much, got the ending he deserved.

Total rating: ⭐⭐⭐ and 1/2 stars
Fave character: Samuel 
Emoji response: 😮😯😶😫🔫😱🤯
Would I recommend?: yes, I think crime and drama lovers would like this very much.

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