Friday 20 August 2021

In remembrance of Jill Murphy

☆ It's always a sad moment when your beloved childhood author passes away. When I saw the news Jill Murphy had died I immediately thought of little seven year old me in stripped socks and plaits, trying to be Mildred Hubble.

☆ I had read all the books many times over, eventually giving up my collection last year to another little girl who fell in love with them just as I had. It was time for another child to have adventures with Mildred, and I was so happy to see children adoring a classic such as The Worst Witch.

☆ Jill's books gave so much hope. They pushed the view that different is good and different saves the day, even if you don't fit in with other people. As an autistic child, this spoke to me greatly and I knew that if Mildred could be a hero with all her differences, then so could I.

☆ I found so much delight in her stories too. Tabby was the best cat ever, I loved the illustrations and had great fun imagining all my stern teachers as Miss Hardbroom.

☆ Jill helped form my childhood and made it so magical and wonderful, and I wish I could have thanked her.

My love goes to her family and all who knew her.

☆ Celebrate Jill! ☆

To celebrate Jill, why not throw a Worst Witch party with all your fellow book lovers and WW fans?

You can do a Readathon, talk about the books and even have a quiz!

~ Witch themed party menu ~

-Pumpkin/sweet potato pies
-green frosted cupcakes
-chocolate frogs
-peppermint humbugs
-witch themed cookies 
-green drinks!

Most importantly, let's continue to carry on Jill's legacy. You can buy the full collection of The Worst Witch Books here:


1 comment:

Simon B said...

Those are beautiful sentiments, very well expressed